
Monday, August 27, 2012

Time Management Class Part 6: Inability to set Priorities

Time is what we want most, but what we use worst. William Penn

Welcome back to the Time Management Series, where you can find new ways to find more time in your day to do what's most important to you!  During the last weeks, we touched on Time Thiefs such as the Telephone, Meetings, Bad Habits and other Employees/Friends/Managers dropping by your office

Today it’s all about setting the right Priorities. If you don’t know right now what your top Priority is, you will find yourself struggling to make decisions and keep up with your Task List. If you don’t clearly define your Priorities, you base your decisions on humoring others, going through the motions or upcoming new projects.

What is your top Priority right now? Which tasks make the biggest difference at your Work Place? 

Your top Priority is the project that makes the biggest overall improvement in your job and brings the greatest value. The more time you spend with tasks of this project, the more success you will experience.

If you are unable to set your Priorities at home and you find yourself spending more time pleasing others than getting your own needs fulfilled, ask yourself: Which project would make the biggest overall improvement to my life? Is it weight loss, sports, finding creative outlets, spending quality relationship time, increasing your own value by taking some classes?

Throughout the day, call your attention to it and ask yourself: “Which task would make the biggest difference to my job right now?” Are you completing this task?

Think on Paper and structure your To-do list with the hardest Task on the top. It is most likely that the hardest task is also the one that brings the most benefit to your work.

If you spend 2-3 Minutes organizing a To Do list that is a) doable, b) productive and c) challenging in the beginning tasks, you will find yourself more efficient and productive.

Do you think on paper? Do you have a To Do list with 4-5 challenging and important tasks? Are your priorities visible in your To Do list?

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Thursday, August 23, 2012

How to stop feeling guilty

Empowerment Book Recommendation -  How to stop feeling Guilty

Since I have talked about this book a lot to clients recently, it might be a great Recommendation for you as well. This book has helped many people to understand and release the effects of Guilt and Shame to us as individuals and as society. It is a great resource if you have trouble setting boundaries with others. It is also a great tool if you have experience with others leveraging Guilt against you. 

I have yet to meet a person who has no experience with Guilt. They call it the great psychological problem of the 20th Century and I do believe there is some truth to it. In order to have the freedom to make your own choices and feel empowered to take opportunities, it is necessary to take the step and explore the limiting beliefs of yourself. This is why I stress the importance of being open minded to the relevant literature that helps you understand the motivation behind your actions. I believe to feel in control about your choices in life, you need to understand those choices first.

Most of us don't realize if someone in our life made us feel guilty for setting our own priorities. Especially if you are raised to please the people around you and sacrifice your wishes, there is a great chance you have something to gain by reading this book. In order to find out if this applies to you, ask yourself: "How did the people in my life react, when I said "no" to them? When I was a child, how did others act if I did not please them?" 

Forward, Susan: "Emotional Blackmail"

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